

bibimbap recipe


This is Daniel who's managing
Korean recipe blog in Canada.
how are you today?

Today I want to share with you
the recipe of Bibimbap.
It's a traditional Korean food.
Good for our heath and taste good too!

I recommend this food for house warming party!

So, let's make together!
Remember, this is the Daniel Style :)

#About 500kcal


  *For 1 person*
1C cooked Rice ,1/2calamari,50g gimchi,1/3 green pumpkin,
1/3 carrot,1egg,1T sesame oil,1T olive oil

*Seasoning for calamari*
1T soy sauce,1/2T sesame oil,1/2t sesame,1/2T chopped garlic

*Bibimbap Seasoning*
1T Pepper paste(made from Korea is better)
1/2T soy sauce,1T cook syrup,1T sesame oil,
40g calamari legs,1t chopped garlic,1T water

#Time :: About 40minutes
#Level of difficuty :: ★★★

1] First, we have to wash our hands
and then prepare ingredients for today's menu.
Don't forget, washing hands is first!


2] We're gonna peel green pumpkin's skin.
I'll use the green part only.
you know, when used the part of the seed,
it looks not clean.
it's because that part is too soft!
so, I'll use only the part of the skin.
anyway after peel it
jullienne the green pumpkin's skin.
about 0.5cm thickness.

3] and the carrot
peel the carrot's skin first,
and then I'll use inside thing.
cut sth into even slices,
just like a green pumpkin 

4] now, I'm gonna cut Gimchi.
it's very easy!
just cut it to good size for eat.
I recommend it's thickness about 1cm.


5] I'll seperate calamari into body part and part of legs.
I'm gonna use body part as a topping
and legs for bibimbap sauce!
you know, calmari has a lot of taurins.
it's not only good for health but also helps food's palatabilities. 
so it's very good taste when using it in the sauce.

6] I'll marinate to the body part of the calamari,
with next special sauce~
1T soy sauce,1/2T sesame oil,1/2t sesame,1/2T chopped garlic

7] And seperate egg's yolk and albumin.
I'll use theses things as toppings.


8] and griddle each part of egg.
before you griddle you should heat the pan in low flame(2m) first
and pour 1T olive oil then start to griddle.

9] And now, we'll gonna griddle
all of our ingridients.
when you griddle, use 1/2T olive oil at each ingredient.
I recommend order
green pumpkin-carrot-white gimchi-marinade calamari

10] after finish griddling,
don't clean the pan.
I'll use calamari's juice.
put the next ingredients~~
1T Pepper paste(made from Korea is better)
1/2T soy sauce,1T cook syrup,1T sesame oil,
40g calamari legs,1t chopped garlic,1T water

so, now almost done!!


11] slice the egg's each part(yolk and albumin)
in the large bowl(white one is better)
put some rice first, and add enough toppings
 put on the rice blow by blow!
Now, you complete to make BIBIMBAP!

Today, we made bibimbap what is really
poppular Korean traditional food.
I think it's not simple, but not too difficult.
try to make this menu for special day for your familly~!

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